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Use method and application scenario of suture needle
Suture needles are surgical instruments used to sew or stitch tissues together. There are different types of suture needles, including straight, curved, and circular needles, each with specific applications.
The method of using a suture needle involves several steps:
1.Preparation: The area to be stitched is cleaned and prepared for the procedure.
2.Needle selection: The appropriate needle is selected based on the type of tissue, the location of the wound, and the desired outcome.
3.Needle threading: The needle is threaded with the suture material, which may be absorbable or non-absorbable.
4.Stitch placement: The needle is inserted through the tissue, and the suture material is pulled through, securing the tissue in place.
5.Knot tying: The suture material is tied in a knot to secure the stitch, and excess material is trimmed.
An application scenario for suture needles is during surgery, such as in a laparotomy. In this procedure, the abdominal cavity is opened to perform surgery on the internal organs. After the surgery is complete, the abdominal muscles and skin are closed using suture needles and suture material to ensure proper healing and closure of the incision. Suture needles are also used in other procedures such as skin closure after a laceration, repairing tendons or ligaments, and closing blood vessels.
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